Hurricane Helene’s Aftermath
We made it through the storm and thought we were extremely lucky to only have a few small roof leaks in Hurricane Helene’s aftermath. This didn’t surprise us because the roof is next on our major house project list. Keep in mind that our home is a 1960’s manufactured home which has been enclosed in brick and topped with a roof. The fact it held together with only a leak or two is something to celebrate. We are also celebrating the fact that the mudslides were on either side of our house and animal enclosures.
Our little herd also made it safely through the storm. A large branch hit the barn roof. This cracked one of the supports; however, the roof is still holding. The goats were ready for breakfast despite the scare they must have had. The chicken’s run was surprisingly dry due to some improvements we had made. The coop was solid but soggy. The lack of gutters had allowed a lot of rain to seep in under the eves with half wet and half dry. The hens are all clucking as normal.
The surprise came when Hubby went down to the bottom of our driveway. Our spring turned into a stream flooding the whole lower valley in the middle of our property. Huge rocks that had been located up near the driveway were now in the road. The entire side of our ridge had rushed down the valley, crossing the road and filling in the drainage. At this time, there is no way for either of our vehicles to get off the property due to the trees and water. Our main goal is now trying to get our guest from Florida back home.
Our neighbors have a generator and satellite internet and have been generous enough to share access when it’s running. We are still trying to contact our friends. Both live in areas lower than ours so we are very concerned. I’m writing posts while offlline and trying to upload when I can.
Next step is sourcing more water and feed for the animals. Then I will have to cook or can the things in my freezer.
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