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Original raised beds planted

Deciding where to plant this spring was a struggle that ended with the original raised beds planted plus some ground beds. The clay was barely affected by the amendments added it and remains quite heavy and solid. It does hold moisture though so that could be an advantage. When I finally got the original raised beds planted I found the opposite. It has no real top soil mixed in and is only raised bed mix that was there and what I added. It drains and drys quickly.

Original raised beds planted with young tomatos and peppers.

In addition the differences in dirt, the amount of sun for the locations is vastly different. The original raised beds get quite a bit more sun. The beds in ground aren’t in heavy shade but get only about five hours direct sun. Because of this, I put my tomatoes and peppers in the raised beds. The cucumbers and squash went in the ground beds. I’m not sure how this will turn out but I’ve gotten a start just like Rick and I had planned.

Here’s hoping that they have a burst of growing soon.

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