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Getting Our First Chickens

The time finally came and baby chicks were available everywhere from the Feed Supply stores to the local farmers. We spent a lot of time researching and decided to buy local so the chicks wouldn’t have to be shipped. Barred Rock were an easy to find breed. They are also dual purpose… meaning they lay eggs and grow to a big enough size to go in the freezer.

Rick went and picked up the chicks. The lady we got them from sent them home in a chicken nugget box. We had a good laugh about that while we transferred them into the big metal livestock water tub we had decided to use. I must have fussed for at least an hour trying to get the light just right. Finally all 10 were set up. I had been very surprised at the number but Rick thought there was a good chance some might die, and wanted to ensure the odds were in our favor.

Now our first baby chicks are situated and from everything I have read, it will be a while before they can go outside. For now, they live in our dining room, carefully protected from the house cat and nosy dog. The peeping is absolutely adorable and makes the clean up less of a chore. The baby chicks will have to grow for 16 weeks before they lay eggs. We will double check the coop and run in the next week so that it is ready when they are.

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